9 March 2021
Canada is a medium-sized country – not in geographic size but in size of its economy and population – with a medium-sized navy. As such, the RCN has always worked with other navies, and favoured participating in multilateral operations. This is partly from necessity and partly from choice. How can Canada reconcile its desire to be active internationally with its limited naval capability? This question underpins the notion of naval interoperability. In the Cold War, it was necessary for NATO to adopt some measures of standardization and compatibility of equipment and doctrine. And because the US military was by far the largest actor, standardization and compatibility often drew Canada toward US capabilities and technology – and increasing interoperability. Being interoperable does not mean that states have to have the exact same military equipment; it means is that the military forces are able to interact, connect, communicate and exchange data and services with other members. What else does it mean? Glad you asked. You should read the Naval Association of Canada Briefing Note, available at bn36-interoperability.pdf (navalassoc.ca)
One thought on “NAC Briefing Note: The RCN and Interoperability”
This is a very good introduction to the topic of naval interoperability. It is topical as well, given that Canada’s naval planners intend to take interoperability to the next level – full systems integration with the US Navy – via the design of the Canadian Surface Combatant.
To the sources referenced in this Briefing Note, I would add the following, each of which touch upon the pros and cons of closer interoperability with the US based on real-world experience:
Ben Lombardi, “The Future Maritime Operating Environment and the Role of Naval Power”, Scientific Report DRDC-RDDC-2016- R085, (Centre for Operational Research and Analysis, Defence Research and Development Canada, May 2016).
Robert H. Caldwell, “The Canadian Navy, Interoperability, and U.S. Navy-Led Operations in the Gulf Region From the First Gulf War to 2003”, Gary E. Weir, Principal Investigator, and Sandra J. Doyle, Editor, You Cannot Surge Trust: Combined Naval Operations of the Royal Australian Navy, Canadian Navy, Royal Navy, and United States Navy, 1991-2003, (Washington, D.C.: Department of the Navy, 2013).
Hszieh, et al,, “Networking the Global Maritime Partnership”, Naval War College Review, 65:2 (2012).
Paul Mitchell, “Small Navies and Network-centric Warfare – Is There a Role?”, Naval War College Review, 56:2, (Spring 2003).