HMCS Toronto deployed on Op REASSURANCE

RCN Public Affairs, 13 October 2020.

HMCS Toronto is deployed in the Baltic region of Northern Europe with Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) while on Op REASSURANCE. The ship and its embarked Cyclone helicopter have been conducting maritime security patrols to support NATO assurance and deterrence measures in the region.

Toronto made a port call in Turku, Finland, from September 10 to 14. The port visit program was scaled down to ensure the safety of crews and personnel of both NATO and Finland in response to COVID-19.

After departing, Toronto and SNMG1 Portuguese flagship Corte-Real conducted above-water warfare serials with Finnish Navy Ships Raahe, Porvoo and Pansio: one Super Puma helicopter, one Learjet from the Finnish Air Force and one fast craft from the Finnish Coast Guard.

This was a valuable opportunity to work with allies and partners to build interoperability and exchange best practices.


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