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Volume 11, Number 2, Fall 2015
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- Editorial: Fact and Fiction in Naval Procurement - Peter Haydon
- Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships: Adrift in Inflationary Waters by Ryan Dean - Winner of the 2015 CNMT Essay Competition
- A Failing Policy for Failed States: The EU and Maritime Migration out of Libya - Andrew Bergel and Michelle Legassicke
- Reflections on Canada, the State, the Nation and the Navy - Marc Milner
- Jericho Rescue: A Case for Community Collaboration - Christopher W. Stairs
- The Sinking of Llandovery Castle - Daniel J. Demers
- A Whole-of-Government Marine Response Capability is Critical - K. Joseph Spears
- The RCN's Fuel Crisis - Ken Hansen
- A Suggestion for Future Fleet Composition - Ian Kennett
- A View from the West: Migration Policy Adrift in Southeast Asia - Nicole Hilborne
- Dollars and Sense: The Defence Agenda for Canada's 42nd Parliament - Dave Perry
- Warship Developments: Major Surface Combatants - Doug Thomas
- Editorial: Time for Genuine Engagement - Hugh Segal
- The Russian Federation Navy Post-2015: Implications for Western Navies - David Rudd
- Changing with the Times: The Ecolution of Canada's CP-140 Aurora - Col Iain Huddleston
- Future Canadian Submarine Capability: Some Considerations - Norman Jolin
- Enhancing Maritime Law Enforcement in the Pacific - Stanley Byron Weeks
- A Polar Ice Operation: What It Takes - Capt David (Duke) Snider
- Better is the Enemy of Good Enough - Stephen Knowles
- Submarines, Love Them or Hate Them - Peter T. Haydon
- A View from the West: Indonesia at a Maritime Crossroads - Brent Witthoeft
- Dollars and Sense: Improving Defence Procurement - Dave Perry
- Warship Developments: Why Such Delays and Prognostication? - Doug Thomas
- Editorial: Always the Bridesmaid, Never the Bride - Ann Griffiths
- The Case for a More Combat-Capable Arctic Offshore Patrol Ship - Rob Huebert
- NOPEC: A Game Worth Playing? - Andrew Bergel
- Interoperability and the Future of the Royal Canadian Navy - Andrew Touensard
- A Clash of Naval Strategies in the Asia-Pacific Region - Brian Wentzell
- Most Capable Design or Most Qualified Team? - Janet Thorsteinson
- AOPS and the NSPS: Wishful Sinking? - Danford W. Middlemiss
- Collaborative Naval Procurement: Lessons from the ANZAC Frigate Build - Jeffrey Collins
- A View from the West: Reefs of Discontent in the South China Sea - Brent Witthoeft
- Dollars and Sense: Can DND Afford New Submarines? - Dave Perry
- Warship Developments: Flexible Examples from Offshore - Doug Thomas
- Human Capital and the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy - Cdr Ian Wood
- Editorial: The Gathering Storm - Hugh Segal
- Beyond Counter-Terrorism: The RCN and Canadian Interests in the Indian Ocean - Lt(N) Jonathan Douglas
- Canadian Security and Safety in the Arctic: Probable Challenges, Practical Responsibilities - P. Whitney Lackenbauer
- Mitigating Children's Involvement in Maritime Piracy - Carl Conradi
- Reflections on Cruising in Southeast Asian Waters - Michael Young
- Staying the Shipbuilding Course - Janet Thorsteinson
- Preventing Incidents at Sea in the Pacific - David N. Griffiths
- LCdr Robert Onions, An Unofficial Submariner in WWI - Patrick Onions L/S RCN VR
- Are we Ignoring the Indian Ocean? - Maj (Retired) Roy Thomas
- What will Putin do Next? - Ken Hansen
- Dollars and Sense: CFDS(R): Renewing the Canada First Defence Strategy - Dave Perry
- A View from the West: Responding to the New Anti-Ship Cruise Missile Threat - Daniel Baart
- Warship Developments: New Royal Navy Aircraft Carriers - Doug Thomas
- Editorial: War and Economics: The Real Threat to the Canadian Navy - Rob Huebert
- Crewing Strategies for the Royal Canadian Navy's Future Ships - Cdr Ian D.H. Wood
- The Ocean Tracking Network - Fred Whoriskey and Nikki Beauchamp
- The Battle of the Indian Ocean 2039? - Maj (Retired) Roy Thomas
- Navigating the NSPS: A Case for the JSS and Hybrid Coastal Vessels - Andrew Harmes
- A National Strategy for Maritime Security of the Undersea Domain - Cdr David Finch
- New Strategy Supports Canada`s New Fleet - Janet Thorsteinson
- The Worst Procurement in the History of Canada? - John L. Orr
- Three Lessons for China from Crimea - Ken Hansen
- Commemorating and Interpreting WW1 at Dalhousie University - Colin Mitchell
- Comment on the Word 'Officer' - Michael Prang
- A View from the West: Illegal Fishing in West Africa: A Symptom of a Wider Problem - Jacquie Brower-Berkhoven
- Dollars and Sense: The Impact of Budget 2014 - Dave Perry
- Warship Developments: A Potpourri - Doug Thomas
- Battle of the Atlantic Place - Ted Kelly
- Editorial: Standing into Danger: Trouble in Asian Waters - James Boutilier
- The Indian Navy: On a Collision Course with China? - Paul Pryce
- Japan’s New Southern Strategy - Corey Wallace
- Breaking News: Incidents at Sea did not End with the Cold War! - David F. Winkler
- A Canadian Naval Turn to the Pacific? Beyond Rebalancing the Fleet - Adam P. MacDonald
- From Good Beginnings - Janet Thorsteinson
- Dealing with an Assertive China (by Learning the Lessons of Afghanistan) - Ambassador David Mulroney
- Pacific Naval Operations - Ken Hansen
- Sending Signals: Canada Needs to Get Serious about Asia-Pacific - David A. Beitelman
- Boom and Bust: An Opportunity? - Timothy Choi
- Dollars and Sense: The Pacific Pivot in Context - Dave Perry
- Warship Developments: A Tale of Two Carriers - Doug Thomas
- Editorial: Rebuilding the Navy: Challenges, Dangers and Opportunities - Rob Huebert
- Winner of the 2013 Bruce S. Oland Essay Competition: The Ice Has Ears - Adam Lajeunesse and Bill Carruthers
- Interview with Vice-Admiral Mark Norman - Dave Perry
- Trying to Do Things Differently: Paul Hellyer's Quest for a Canadian Amphibious Capability - Peter Haydon
- Escale à Cherbourg: The French Approach to Maritime Security - Cdr Hugues Canuel
- Industrial Participation Planning - Janet Thorsteinson
- Is It a Pacific Pivot or a Canadian Presence in the Pacific Rim? - Brian Wentzell
- A Comment on Eric Lerhe’s Editorial - David B. Collins
- Outsourcing Defence Procurement: A Choice between Scylla and Charybdis? - Sven Tommi Rebien
- Protection of the Term ‘Officer’ - Jon Dziadyk
- USCG Use of Game Theory for Maritime Security Operations - Lt Elizabeth Denicola, USCG, et al.
- A View from the West: Japan’s Rebalance to Asia - Brett Witthoeft
- Dollars and Sense: Naval In-Service Support - Dave Perry
- Warship Developments: Missions Other Than War - Doug Thomas
- Editorial: Time for a Canadian Pacific Pivot? - Eric Lerhe
- Migrant Smuggling in Canadian Water - Darryl Anderson
- Perseverance: Some Reflections on 50 Years of the Canadian Sea King - John Orr
- Protection of Canadian Ships Against Piracy - Hugh Williamson
- A Review of “That Sinking Feeling: Canada’s Submarine Program Springs a Leak” - Ken Hansen
- Lessons from Canada's Corvettes - Janet Thorsteinson
- The Orca Project: A Procurement Success - David Peer
- Maritime Commerce Resilience - Dr. Allan Bartley and Capt Andrew Tucci
- Keeping Faith - Colin Robertson
- Learning About Amphibious Operations From Nelson - Ken Hansen
- A View From the West: Small State Hydrocarbon Exploration in the South China Sea - Nicole Johnson
- Dollars and Sense: What Constitutes 'Best Value'? - Dave Perry
- Warship Developments: Afloat Logistics Suppert or Joint Support Ship? - Doug Thomas
- Editorial: Maritime Technology - Peter Cairns
- Realistic Time frames for Designing and Building Ships - Cdr David Peer
- They Told Us It Couldn’t be Done, But We Didn’t Believe Them - Maj Dwight Bazinet & Capt - Kel Jeffries
- Today’s Science for Tomorrow’s Navy - Mark Tunnicliffe
- A Preliminary Analysis of the AOPS Design - Ken Hansen
- Space-Based AIS: The Game Changer - George Guy Thomas
- Reality of the Virtual World - Janet Thorsteinson
- Learning Curves - Cdr David Peer
- Surveillance of Canada’s Ocean Approaches: Possible and Important? - Calvin Mofford
- A Tax payer’s View of Maritime Search and Rescue - Brian K. Wentzell
- A View from the West: Political Dimensions of Military Technology - Brett Witthoeft
- Dollars and Sense: How Much Technology Can the Navy Afford? - Dave Perry
- Warship Developments: Technologies at Sea - Doug Thomas
- Editorial: How do You Measure Success? - Ann Griffiths
- 2nd Place Essay in the 2012 Oland Essay Competition Canada and the Arctic: The Case for Deeper Cooperation with Washington - Jean-François Bélanger
- China’s Maritime Strategy: A Prolonged Period of Formulation - Adam P. MacDonald
- Libya and the Lessons of Naval Power - Scott Bishop
- The US Pacific Pivot and Implications for the Future of the RCN - David S. McDonough
- The Costs of 21st Century Shipbuilding: Lessons For Canada from the Littoral Combat Ship Program - Timothy Choi
- Modular Warships - Janet Thorsteinson
- A Necessary Capability - Brian Wentzell
- Criticism for the Sake of Criticism - Peter Haydon
- The Reflection Project at HMCS Prevost - SLt David Lewis
- A View from the West: The Role of Fishing Fleets in Maritime Boundary Disputes - Daniel Baart
- Plain Talk: Up Ship Creek Without an Explanation - Sharon Hobson
- Warship Developments: Update Snippets - Doug Thomas
- The Last Flower: HMCS Sackville - Doug Thomas
- Operation Active Endeavour
- Editorial: The Navy after the Canadian First Defence Strategy - Dave Perry
- Winner of the 2012 Bruce S. Oland Essay Competition: Piracy in a Modern World - Jeffrey Lucas
- The Cuban Missile Crisis 50 Years Later - Peter Haydon
- Canada’s Defence Research Ships: Part of a Balanced Navy? - Mark Tunnicliffe
- The RCN Can Learn from Admiral Nelson’s Amphibious Defeats - Pat Bolen
- Modern Piracy and Current Counter-Measures - Jared M. Ben-Caro
- Development of China’s Polar Linkages - Dr. Huigen Yang
- The Sparks of Innovation - Janet Thorsteinson
- Hosaqami: A Totem Pole for Navies - William (Bill) Shead
- Oil and Water: A Whole of Government Response - K. Joseph Spears
- A View from the West: RIMPAC 2012 - Brett Witthoeft
- Plain Talk: Frank and Earnest Go Missing - Sharon Hobson
- Warship Developments: Soviet Aircraft Carriers Then and Now - Doug Thomas
- Editorial: Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Ann Griffiths
- Estimating the Cost of Naval Ships - Cdr David Peer
- From the Shores of Nova Scotia to the Hindu Kush: A Sailor’s Experience in Kabul - Cdr Hugues Canuel
- Collaboration in Space : The Silver Bullet for Global Maritime Awareness? - George (Guy) Thomas
- National Shipbuilding: Where We Are and Where We’re Headed - Ken Bowering
- Canada’s Asia-Pacific Energy Trade Prospects: A Maritime Perspective - Darryl Anderson and K. Joseph Spears
- A Tale of Two Regions: Halifax And Vancouver and Shipbuilding - Janet Thorsteinson
- 'Mind the Gap' - Larry Hickey
- Government Cutbacks Threaten Shipbuilding Pro gram: RCN Threatens Itself - Ken Hansen
- NSPS: A Blunder for the Ages? - LCdr (Ret’d) Ian Yeates
- A View from the West: A Geostrategic Case for Canadian Submarines - Daniel Baart
- Plain Talk: Design Flaw: The Long Path from NSPS to Ships - Sharon Hobson
- Warship Developments: Life Extension Refits - Doug Thomas
- Maritime Security Challenges 2012 Conference
- Editorial: What is Maritime Security? - Peter Haydon
- The Need, Costs and Benefits of a Canadian Naval Presence in the Arctic - Rob Huebert
- Making a Difference in Arctic Naval Research: HMCS Cedarwood, 1948 to 1956 - Isabel Campbell
- A Rock Group : Ships Fa ted for Failure, Stranded by a System - Angus McDonald
- Penguins, Oil and Frigates: Viewing Falkland Island Politics from the Inside - Kirk Binns
- Economic Benefits of National Shipbuilding - Janet Thorsteinson
- Maritime Surveillance in the North - Laura Hoy
- One Does Not Simply ‘Close’ the Strait of Hormuz - Timothy Choi
- To Group or Not to Group? - Ken Hansen
- Another Falklands War? - Poseidon
- View from the West: The Escalation of Illegal Ashley Milburn Fishing in Asia - Ashley Milburn
- Plain Talk: What Don’t We Know? - Sharon Hobson
- Warship Developments: Australian Amphibious Capability - Doug Thomas
- HMCS Sackville, 1944
- Should Observer Participation in Arctic Ocean Governance Be Enhanced? - Aldo Chircop
- 2nd Place Essay in Bruce S. Oland Essay Competition Deep Freezeror Warm Peace? Canada's Arctic Strategy in a Changing Regional Regime - Adam P. MacDonald
- Meeting the Challenge of Oil Spill Mitigation in the Arctic - David Prior
- Bridging the Gap: The Limitations of Pre-AOPS Operations in Arctic Waters - Cdr Paul Forget
- The Cold War Frogmen of the Far North - Lt(N) Jason Delaney
- The Navy’s Arctic Challenge - Martin Langford
- Over the Top: The Navy and the North - Janet Thorsteinson
- Iron and Ice: The Mary River Project - Joe Spears
- The Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement: Is Canada Really Playing Ball? - Jean-François Bélanger
- Commentary: Is Canada an Arctic Nation or a Maritime Nation? - Tim Lynch
- The Risks of Shipping Disasters in the Arctic - Matthew Gillis
- View From the West: The Interests of Non-regional User-states in Arctic Affairs - Daniel Baart
- Plain Talk: Is A/OPS an Acceptable Compromise? - Sharon Hobson
- Warship Developments: Ramping Up For the Arctic - Doug Thomas
- The Halifax Marine Research Institute: Linking Research and Resources - Martha Crago
- Winner of the 2011 Bruce S. Oland Essay Competition: In the Dreadnought’s Shadow - Sean Clark
- No Passport Needed - Amitai Etzioni
- Canada’s Post-Kandahar Military: Now What? - John Thompson
- Comprehensive Undersea Domain Awareness: A Conceptual Model - LCdr David Finch
- Canada-US Shiprider Operations: The Next Generation of Border Integrity - Anna Van Dusen and Tanya Miller
- Littoral Linkage: Near-Shore Operations, Long-Term Impact - Janet Thorsteinson
- The Cost of Absence: Canada and the Emerging Order at Sea - Kerry Lynn Nankivell
- French Navy Industry Day - Stephen Knowles
- A Reply to Amphion’s “Of Carts and Horses” - Brian K. Wentzell
- Comment on Editorial in the Summer Issue - Fraser McKee
- Plain Talk: A Royal Distraction? - Sharon Hobson
- View from the West: An Arms Race in the South China Sea - Christian Bedford
- Warship Developments: A Balanced Fleet for the 21st Century? - Doug Thomas
- HMCS Sackville: Past and Present
- Editorial: The Falklands War: Lessons Learned and Not Learned - Peter Haydon
- Law Enforcement Detachments and The Canadian Navy: A New Counter-Drug Capability - Cdr Paul W. Forget
- The Future Fight For Fish - LCdr Ray Snook
- HCMS Onondaga Makes Its Last Voyage - Annemarie Bourassa
- A Somali Solution to Somali Piracy - Dave Mugridge
- Projecting Shipbuilding Success - Janet Thorsteinson
- Of Carts and Horses - Janet Thorsteinson
- Methinks They Doth Protest Too Much, My Canadian Lords of the Admiralty - David Mugridge
- Plain Talk: Procurement Pipedreams and Political Realities - Sharon Hobson
- Tightening the Noose: Time For A new Approach Against Somali Pirates? - Christian Bedford
- Warship Developments: Seeking A New Sea King - Doug Thomas
- Editorial: The Danger of Tactical Thinking in Times of Strategic Change - Ken Hansen
- Concepts of Operations: A Year in the Life of a Ship - Mark Tunnicliffe
- The Emergence of China as a Polar-Capable State - Aldo Chircop
- The British Defence Review: What It Means for Britain and Its Navy - Geoffrey Till
- Sir Julian Corbett’s New Royal Navy: An Opportunity for Canada? - Brian K. Wentzel
- Canada as a Sea Power - Marc Imbeault and Janine Krieber
- Interview with RAdm David Gardam
- Building a Defence Industrial Strategy - Janet Thorsteinson
- View from the West: Submarine Procurement in the Indo-Pacific Region - Christian Bedford
- Warship Developments: Multinational Programs - Doug Thomas
- Canadian Naval History and a Modest Arctic Proposal - Brian K. Wentzel
- The Light Blue Funnel Line: The ‘Keeping the Peace’ Role of Navies - Hugh Williamson
- 2nd Place Essay in Bruce S. Oland Essay Competition: Naval Chameleons? Re-evaluating the Legality of Deceptive Lighting under International Humanitarian Law - Lt(N) Mike Madden
- Somali Pirates: An Expansive Interpretation of Human Rights - Amitai Etzioni
- The Arctic Environment and the Law of Armed Conflict - Christopher Waters and Ashley Barnes
- The Future of Autonomous Marine Systems in the Canadian Navy - J. Matthew Gillis
- Build it and They Will Call: Designing Navy 2060 Today - Janet Thorsteinson
- NORAD Maritime: Time for a Re-evaluation? - Calvin Mofford
- Cheap and Nasty: Just What Types of Ship Does the Navy Need? - Dave Mugridge
- Update on Piracy off the East African Coast by A Correspondent in Africa
- Plain Talk: Dollars and Disasters: Time to Ante Up - Sharon Hobson
- The View from the West: Navies and Non-Traditional Security Threats - Christian Bedford
- Warship Developments: Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief - Doug Thomas
- Keeping Sackville Afloat - Jacqui Good