Canadian Naval Review Conflict of Interest Policy
This conflict of interest policy recognizes that the policy of Canadian Naval Review to solicit expertise from a wide variety of individuals active in academia, maritime security agencies and industry may, from time to time, create situations in which personal or private interests of Editorial Board members and/or associated CNR personnel [1] converge with the work of the Board. This policy therefore provides guidelines to deal honourably with such conflicts when and if they should arise.
‘Conflict of interest’ is defined here as any situation in which a Board member or person associated with CNR, or a member of their immediate or extended families, might have a personal or private interest that might be construed as being in real, potential, or apparent conflict with the interests of CNR and/or might be sufficient to influence the objective exercise of duties. These interests may include any factors that a reasonable person might think would unduly influence the advice and judgement of a Board member or associated personnel.
Board members and associated personnel are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal and professional integrity and to protect the interests of CNR. Personal gain shall not in any way conflict with duty to the Board. Any information, materials or data acquired through briefings, discussions or other CNR activities may not be used by CNR personnel to acquire competitive, professional, or financial advantage, except where such information, material or data are readily available within the public domain.
Board members and personnel associated with CNR are responsible for declaring any potential or actual conflicts of interest.
Board members and CNR-associated personnel are in agreement with this policy and agree to divulge any real, potential or perceived conflict of interest and to remove themselves from a process or decision in which they may have conflict. Should someone fail to disclose a conflict of interest involving especially direct financial gain, the remedy will be immediate dismissal from the Board or duties with CNR.
[1] In this case, ‘associated personnel/personnel associated with CNR’ refers to the Editor, Assistant Editor and production personnel.