[*This article was original published in the May 2013 issue of Marine Matters. It is reprinted here with the permission of the publisher, Mr. Aldert van Nieuwkoop.] Piracy has been […]
Moves to incorporate the rights of detained Somali children suspected of working with pirate groups into ship security standards, have received a cautious response. Canada’s Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative […]
In an article published by Fairplay Magazine, entitled “Target: Child Pirates,” author Girjia Shettar explores the work being done by the Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative and the Dalhousie Marine […]
In March 2011, Indian naval forces operating in the Arabian Sea captured the Mozambique-flagged fishing vessel Vega 5. Somali pirates had kidnapped the trawler’s original crew several months earlier. They […]
The Child Soldiers Initiative, directed by Dr. Shelly Whitman at Dalhousie University, has released a groundbreaking report entitled Children and Youth in Marine Piracy: Causes, Consequences and the Way Forward. […]
On 23 March, Jeremy Binnie, Jane’s Defence Weekly Middle East/Africa Editor in London, reported that the EU had expanded the area of operations for the EU Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) counter-piracy […]
The Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) of the British parliament has published its tenth report, entitled “Piracy off the coast of Somalia.” You can read the report here. The report notes that, […]
For some time there has been a debate over whether or not there is a connection between Somali pirates and the militant group known as al Shabaab, which has connections […]
Following the warning published in MarineLink.com on Thursday 24 March that the trend in the use of violence by pirates would escalate into a small war, a major development occurred […]
The Ports and Ships website is reporting that the Danish Shipowners’ Association has officially requested the Danish government to “lower the threshold” for placing armed security guards onboard Danish vessels. […]
*This article by Sam Bateman was released on 26 January as Report No. 6/2011 by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Singapore. Mr. Bateman is a Senior Fellow […]
*Moderator’s Note: An article entitled was released on 6 December by Strategic Forecasts [STRATFOR]. STRATFOR analyst Ben West examines the reasons why Somali pirates have increasingly looked to the Indian […]
An article entitled “Piracy sidelines Third of Taiwan’s Indian Ocean tuna fleet” (no longer available form on-line source), released on 26 November by AFP details the plight of fishermen operating […]
An article by Jason Lewis, entitled “Paul and Rachel Chandler: British mercenaries hired to take on Somali Pirates,” in the 20 November issue of The Telegraph claims that the U.K. […]
The statistics on piracy attacks for the first and second quarters of 2010 have been released. They contain data that shows the Somali pirates are expanding their capabilities to conduct […]
AFP News Services have reported Somali pirates were able to capture the Bulgarian chemical tanker MV Panega (IMO number 8511586, 5,846 DWT, built in 1986) on Tuesday, 11 May. The […]
Gordon Lubold of the Christian Science Monitor (CSMonitor.com) quotes Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, Commander U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Commander U.S. Naval Forces Africa, in a report on 19 April as […]
Fox News (FoxNews.com) is reporting that armed security guards have shot and killed a Somali pirate for the first time. You can read the news report here. The incident took […]
Sam Bateman, Senior Fellow with the Maritime Security Programme at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), has published a RSIS Commentary on 5 March entitled “Riding Shotgun: Armed […]
An article from Defence IQ provides more data on the growing piracy problem in the Indian Ocean and the effect it is having on local economies. You can read the […]