Naval Force Development

32 posts

What is Canada’s naval policy?*

*Moderator’s Note: reprinted with permission of the author from the 22 May edition of the Moncton Times and Transcript, Opinion Section. Nearly 70 years ago, at the beginning of the […]


The Near Term Future is Rooted in 1947-48 History

While I commend those who look into the future and contemplate interesting concepts like “influence squadrons,” counter piracy operations and humanitarian operations, I think the events of the past several […]


‘Influence Squadrons’ for Canada?

Pertinent to this discussion and David Mugridge’s op-ed piece is an article by Cdr. Henry J. Hendrix, USN, in the April issue of USNI Proceedings (“More Hendersons, Less Bonds,” full […]


Mugridge OpEd: Navy hasn’t adapted to new world

David Mugridge, a Visiting Doctoral Fellow with CFPS, has published a contrarian viewed of the navy’s future in the Nova Scotian, the Sunday supplement to the Chronicle Herald.  You can […]


Great Britain gambles with the Royal Navy

Some of the issues in Professor Geoffrey Till’s recent paper found here (Naval War College Review, Winter 2010, pp. 33-60) may not apply to Canada, the strategic nuclear deterrent being […]


A new naval capability?

The Canadian government’s commitment of ground forces in Afghanistan in offensive operations against the Taliban arguably represents a new willingness of the government to consider the employment/deployment of the Canadian […]
