Here is a ‘brain teaser’ to wrestle with over the Holidays! A recent article in the U.S. press described three different theoretical future fleet plans for the USN. One fleet […]
This is a very good debate, and I also believe it is long overdue. I am a naval reservist on a “Class A” contract, serving as a military occupation advisor […]
The Canadian Forces took delivery of the first CP-140 Aurora maritime patrol aircraft in May 1980; the 18th and last CP-140 was delivered in August 1981. The original requirement for […]
I agree with my former colleague Ken Hansen that Canada has made a mistake in moving to a fully joint programme with the Command and Staff Course at the Canadian […]
On reading reports and scanning the video of the recent U.S. Navy – Iranian Revolutionary Guard incident in the Straits of Hormuz I was struck by how restrained the American […]
I would like to bring two important news items to the attention of our readers. First, a CBC report indicates that the Canadian government’s self-imposed deadline on a decision to […]
A recent report in the U.K. press describes the return of RN warships to the northern Arabian Gulf following the capture of 15 British sailors and marines in a ‘swarming’ […]
I am the Standards Chief Petty Officer for marine propulsion systems at the Canadian Forces Fleet School in Esquimalt. I find the points made by the contributors to this topic […]
This debate is a pleasure to read, but also somewhat frustrating. In speaking of “relevant” operational tasks, it seems to me that Eric Lerhe misses the whole point of the […]
It seems to me that Airedale is expressing frustration at the lack of a comprehensive explanation by the navy about how the future fleet plans make it any better able […]
*Moderator’s Note: The following statement was made by Senator Hugh Segal in the Debates of the Senate on 14 November 2007, during the 2nd Session of the 39th Parliament of […]
A wide-ranging discussion about the future of Canada’s troubled submarine fleet is taking place at the highest levels of the Conservative government, say political and defence sources. The Privy Council […]
The size of Canada’s offshore areas of maritime responsibility and the vast distances of our airspace and sea approaches make a blue water navy fundamental to our security and sovereignty […]
The U.S. Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps announced the first collective declaration of national maritime strategy on 17 October. To date, commentaries on the strategy are mixed. While much […]
I am encouraged that we are starting to have a long overdue discussion of this important subject. I would like to add two points to LCdr. Carroll’s and Cmdre. Lehre’s […]
Airedale presents an argument heard all too often in Canada, not just in academic common rooms or their virtual equivalents such as this forum, where there is a certain expectation […]
The launching of a new maritime studies centre (The Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies) within the Joint Services Command and Staff College, at Shrivenham in Wiltshire, is a fascinating […]
I read Mr. Perry’s Broadside commentary “A Sub Too Far” with attention and interest. In terms of your reflections on public perception vis-à-vis submarines (“there will be little public appetite […]
A recent Canadian Press article regarding Canadian Forces rules for maritime operations in Canada’s arctic region sparked some debate about whether the CF and the navy are reasonable stewards of […]
Murray Brewster’s article [The Globe and Mail, “DND may be shopping for new subs, sources say”] casts an interesting light on the future of Canada’s submarine fleet. The existing four […]