Yearly Archives: 2007

82 posts

CP-140 Aurora

Aurora’s wings clipped?

The Canadian Forces took delivery of the first CP-140 Aurora maritime patrol aircraft in May 1980; the 18th and last CP-140 was delivered in August 1981. The original requirement for […]


The technical issues are complex

I am the Standards Chief Petty Officer for marine propulsion systems at the Canadian Forces Fleet School in Esquimalt.  I find the points made by the contributors to this topic […]


In Defence of Airedale

It seems to me that Airedale is expressing frustration at the lack of a comprehensive explanation by the navy about how the future fleet plans make it any better able […]


“The Navy” by Senator Hugh Segal*

*Moderator’s Note:  The following statement was made by Senator Hugh Segal in the Debates of the Senate on 14 November 2007, during the 2nd Session of the 39th Parliament of […]


The status quo is not sustainable

I am encouraged that we are starting to have a long overdue discussion of this important subject. I would like to add two points to LCdr. Carroll’s and Cmdre. Lehre’s […]


The place of Canada and its navy in the west

Airedale presents an argument heard all too often in Canada, not just in academic common rooms or their virtual equivalents such as this forum, where there is a certain expectation […]

Old subs

A Reply to Dave Perry

I read Mr. Perry’s Broadside commentary “A Sub Too Far” with attention and interest. In terms of your reflections on public perception vis-à-vis submarines (“there will be little public appetite […]
