Acquiring new nuclear boats for the Canadian navy would be the most powerful way of reinforcing Canadian sovereignty in the arctic. What Canada requires more than anything in the arctic […]
In an industry known for its boom and bust cycles the forecast Canadian new building requirements over the next fifteen years should be signalling the start of another boom cycle […]
During the past few months there has been increasing speculation that the project to upgrade the CP-140 Aurora (the Aurora Incremental Modernization Project or AIMP) would be terminated. The decision […]
Recent claims about the navy dumping garbage seem a bit hysterical. One would think it makes sense to allow naval vessels, which operate in the arctic for at most a […]
The problem [of acquiring nuclear submarines, as suggested by Keith Spicer,] is not so much the acquisition cost as it is the cost of training, infrastructure and operating the boats. […]
For the interest of your readers, the CF and Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) have conducted joint training in the recent past. Specifically, 32 Canadian Brigade Group (32 CBG), the Militia […]
This discussion has been helpful to me, as I have always felt there was a need to stand back and examine naval reserve manning priorities. In addition, you and I […]
Thank you for your comments but I feel compelled to respond to some of your statements, particularly those involving the ‘part-time’ and ‘relevant’ reserves. 1) I agree with your comment […]
A number of commentators in this forum have proposed to take the crews from the MCDVs and move them into the A/OPVs with the assumption that this will be fairly […]
The strategy for achieving an independent foreign policy through development of naval capacity appears to be maturing almost exactly 100 years after it was first articulated. The plan was first […]
A major maritime terror incident is inevitable; it is merely a matter of where and when. Why is this? The answers are fairly simple. First, let us not be naive […]
The cost factors Ken Hansen outlines demonstrate the ongoing need for sealift. Indeed, with sealift costs being between one-tenth and one-seventieth the cost of airlift, coupled with the fact that […]
The announcement of the $3.1B frigate upgrade is solidly good news. This very welcome project does, however, contain hidden dangers. Significantly, the DND backgrounder suggests it will include: A new […]
Ian Parker’s response above is well intentioned I’m sure, but he simply seems to be a bit hurt by the truth. It may disappoint him to discover that the comment […]
The announcement by Prime Minister Harper that naval ship upgrades will provide new opportunities for contractors is interesting but it lacks a sense of strategic context. Announcing FELEX, which by […]
Submarines are in the news again, both at home and elsewhere in the world. A Canadian Press item that appeared on Thursday, 28 June, 2007, about plans to send HMCS […]
Our earlier discussion about the sensibility of addition another SSN to the appropriations this year, and the lack of clear direction on surface fleet plans, seems to have more substantiation […]
The Pentagon’s request to Congress for $750M in ’emergency funding’ to move Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAPs) by air for use by U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq (detailed here) […]
Canada’s maritime interests at home and overseas are changing. On one hand, the effects of global warming on the Arctic Ocean and the lengthening of the shipping season there coupled […]
Robin Allan refers to the requirement as a “Big Honking Ship”. The term is somewhat overly generous. The projected full load displacement of the JSS is about 28,000 tons, about […]