Last week saw Qatar host the second Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference (DIMDEX). The event gave companies in the maritime security field the opportunity to show off their […]
The Telegraph published an article by Thomas Harding entitled: “Aircraft carrier costs will be half of what you think, US tells ministers, “ on 24 March 2012. Harding quotes Assistant […]
It was probably some speechwriter in Ottawa who fed his political master the catchy phrase for describing Canada as a country ‘from coast, to coast, to coast’. The introduction of […]
Most official definitions talk about doctrine as though it is the bedrock of all things naval. This one comes from the USN’s Naval Doctrine Publication 1 (NDP1) Naval Warfare: “Naval […]
*Moderators Note: This article is reprinted with permission from Seaways, Journal of the Nautical Institute, October 2009, pp. 25-26 After 16 months of careful preparation and stage managed partial disclosures, […]
The Australian Defence White Paper (2009) is perhaps one of the clearest national statements outlining the need for a comprehensive maritime security strategy. The paper is focused upon joint operations with […]
Australia’s new Defence White Paper was issued at the beginning of May – and the RAN was the big winner. Press reports describe it as “the most dramatic build-up of […]
Secretary of Defence Robert Gates announced his nominations for some of the top command positions in the U.S. military on Wednesday. His recommendations indicate that he is pleased with the […]
The United States National Intelligence Council (NIC) has released its report entitled Global Trends 2025. The report foresees a world that is faced with ever increasing population and ever dwindling […]
Buoyed by the successful shooting down of a satellite by USS Lake Erie in February, supported by a well-informed congress, and concerned with the proliferation of ballistic missile technology, the […]
Two important documents have been released by defence authorities in the Unites States. The first is the Joint Operating Environment (JOE) produced by Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Virginia. It […]
Everything that Peter Haydon says in his article on the “Canadian Naval Task Group” is accurate. The task group has been fundamental to our past success and it will likely […]