Procrustes, 30 May 2020. Here is a brief background of the Alion complaint. Alion was one of the 12 pre-qualified Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) bidders, and one of the three […]
Procrustes, 17 May 2020. In reading through various discussions of the likely capabilities to issue forth from the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) bid competition, one might be struck by an […]
The Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) has published another great paper by Ian Mack. It’s called “Another Way to Buy Frigates.” As the title suggests, there are ways other than […]
The latest Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) report, “The Cost of Canada’s Surface Combatants: 2019 Update,” issued on 21 June 2019, has revised the latest cost for the Canadian Surface Combatant […]
The awarding of a contract for a new fleet of Canadian warships moved one step closer to reality after the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) rejected a complaint from one […]
3 July 2018. On 29 June 2018 the Australian government announced [] that it had selected a variant of BAE’s Type 26 frigate for the Royal Australian Navy. The 9-ship […]
The Royal Navy is thinking about the proposed Type 31 frigate, but apparently is still trying to figure out the hows and whys and whats of the ship. The Type […]
David Dunlop Now that the Canadian government has entered the decision phase for the bids entered for the rights to build 15 Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) ships, it is time […]
Over the past few years, Canadian Naval Review has published a number of articles about the National Shipbuilding Strategy. Of major interest to analysts (and taxpayers) is the cost of […]
30 Jan 2017. BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENCE: DO WE NEED IT AT SEA IN THE CANADIAN SURFACE COMBATTANT? There has been a fair amount of controversy surrounding whether or not the […]
Yesterday there were numerous reports (here, here and here) of the Canadian government potentially adopting a new approach to the CSC project that would require potential warship designers and combat […]
In the most recent Canadian Military Journal David Rudd has provided an insightful analysis of the Canadian Surface Combatants’ design possibilities. His central argument is that the Military Off The […]
The discussion in this BLOG on the NSPS has tended towards several themes. First, a belief that the Canadian Navy is proposing a fleet that is based on Cold War […]
The Canada Surface Combatant (CSC) has been garnering attention of late. For an interesting slant on the implications of CSC schedule delays for Canada’s current fleet of Halifax-class frigates, see […]
Readers may be interested in this analysis, particularly because variants of at least three of the top 10 modern frigates examined, France’s Aquitaine-class, Denmark’s Iver Huitfeldt-class, and Germany’s Saschen-class, are […]
An article published by David Publiese in the Ottawa Citizen on December 3rd (with the same title as this one and available on his Defence Watch website here) asks a […]
Canada will be recapitalizing much of the naval and coast guard surface fleets under its National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy (NSPS). Much of this promised $38 billion is earmarked for 15 […]