Canadian Naval History

30 posts

What could one 10,000-ton ship carry?

After my recent posts describing the SC and HX eastbound convoy systems, I received an email that said, in effect, “What was the big deal about loosing one ship out […]


The ‘HX’ Convoy System

After my post describing the ‘slow’ SC convoys, I received many requests for information about the other series of east-bound convoys, the ‘fast’ HX series, which many Canadian warships escorted […]


The Battle of the Atlantic is misnamed

Using the term ‘Battle’ for the protracted struggle in the Atlantic during the Second World War diminishes the importance of this important series of campaigns that spanned the entire war. […]

Old subs

Some history of the Upholder-class submarines

Tim Dunne’s article on the Victoria-class submarines entitled “Journalists sub-par on sub debate” challenged journalists to get the facts straight on the Canada’s submarines. It is worthwhile advice for anyone […]


HMCS Charlottetown and the Battle of Misrata*

* Moderator’s Note: This article was originally published in the Halifax Chronicle-Herald on 03 September 2011. It is reprinted here with the permission of the author. Canada’s navy may be […]


Your Navy, Our People*

* Moderator’s Note: This article was original published in The Nova Scotian on 21 March 2012. Over the past year I have used this column to discuss the role of […]


Lord Nelson and amateur tacticians*

* Moderator’s Note: This post appeared originally in the Letters to the Editor section of The Washington Times on 30 March 2007. It is no longer available on-line. A large […]
