By Dr. Ann Griffiths, 8 May 2024
In this forum we talk a lot about the Canadian Surface Combatants, submarines/submarine replacement and the AOPS. But what about the Joint Support Ships? What’s up with them? Will we ever see them? Well, according to the April edition of the Seaspan Signal, Seaspan is planning the launch of the future HMCS Protecteur in North Vancouver by the end of 2024. According to Seaspan, they’re working on laying the Helicopter Handling Tracks and finalizing the shaft alignment. They also say that 50% of the cable has been installed, and more than 70% of the piping has been installed. It sounds like a lot of work still needs to be done, so the 2024 launch may not happen, but at least progress is being made.
Progress is also being made on the future HMCS Preserver, the second Joint Support Ship. Seaspan says more than 50% of the ship’s blocks are now in production, with particular focus being put on key blocks for the engine and pump rooms. The bow – a 17-metre long block – was delivered to the shipyard via barge, and is scheduled to be connected with the rest of the hull later in 2024.
The end may not quite be in sight but, to quote Winston Churchill, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
17 thoughts on “Joint Support Ships”
Why is calling an AOR a JSS still going on? No troop carrying capacity.
Because the navy is a laughing joke. Inconsequential and an embarrassment.
Ron M. thank you for the support and encouragement. The people of the RCN who work tirelessly, fortunately do not think in those terms.
Hear hear!!
I have absolutely nothing bad to say about the men and women in the navy. The service and equipment is a joke. If it’s not rusted out it’s obsolete to the point our allies do not consider Canada’s armed forces of any value, much more just a hinderance they have to deal with. Our government is a joke like our services who is unwilling to protect Canada, instead looks to our neighbour to the south. If your feelings are upset about my comments look real hard what’s happening to the Canadian Armed Forces.
Good morning Ron,
Do you have a reference for our allies considering the CAF and Canada to be valueless jokes or are you simply speaking on their behalf?
All ships can carry troops to one degree or another. JSS has the ability to embark troops.
Hello Dr. Griffiths. David Shirlaw makes an interesting point. The JSS as it was first envisioned (30-40,000+ tones) is indeed a far cry from what we have now with the Protecteur Class AORs now being built (Version 3). It has no heavy sealift capabilities, no RO-RO capability and no accommodation for at least a battalion strength sealift, plus an extended HA/DR capability and a 100+ bed onboard medical hospital with room enough for several airlift helicopters as was originally envisioned for the “first” JSS. The Protecteur Class does however have a fueling capability like most modern AORs, very limited container lift and HA/DR capabilities. This is a class that was chosen off of the German Berlin class AOR that has been in production by Germany for several years now and to be quite honest, is getting a little “long-in-the-tooth”. In my own opinion (IMOO), if Canada were to continue with this class, we need at least one more of these “AORs” to be built for continuity.
We all know the capabilities of the “big honking” ship or JSS are not the same as the Protecteur Class but it’s no slouch either and it can support joint operations just not at the level of what was originally envisioned. Two ship to shore connectors, 60 sea can storage, two 24 tonne cranes to on or off load cargo, ability to embark and disembark light vehicles, helo capability and maintenance, 45 bed hospital including a dental capability, command control function, dedicated magazine storage for ammunition and missiles is way and above what we had before and way above the interim AOR we currently operate. If you call that a limited HA/DR capability well I guess we’ll have to settle for that. The ship is very different from the original Berlin Class specifications and will sustain a CSC task group with ease.
My only question or concern Ted is: Why does the Protector class not have the capabilities that an HA/DR Multi-Rolled capable ship must have IOT become a valued asset and be effective world-wide? The “JSS” we will eventually get for the RCN is not a “true” Multi Mission vessel. They will be in fact, not much more than what we had with the old Protecteur/Preserver class AORs. If this is what we can expect from these vessels, the RCN will have just an AOR replacement and not much more.
Hmmm, new ship check. 2 shaftlines verses one check. Two ship to shore connectors check. Ability to take 60 containers check. Ability to embark light vehicles check. Command and control center check. Ability to embark missiles as cargo check. 45 bed hospital with operating room check. Seems to me the old AORs couldn’t do all so it is significantly better.
The JSS we wanted was simply too expensive and I wager what we are getting will valued worldwide as well. Honestly who cares if the ship can’t sustain HA/DR missions like a multirole ship. This gets us back in the game to sustain our own ships and that’s what matters.
Hmmm, Berlin class aging ship design check. Hmmm, JSS-2+1 (Part 1) more speed, check. Hmmm, more ship to shore connectors + a stern/side RO/RO capability, check. Hmmm, JSS able to take on at least twice the number of containers, check. Hmmm, JSS able to embark heavy (tanks/trucks) and light vehicles, with two vehicle/helo decks, check. Hmmm, JSS full CIC with ability to carry full TG Command staff, check. Hmmm, 100+ bed hospital with full medical staff + transportable field hospital, check. Hmmm, JSS able to carry at least a full Battalion + staff and all equipment, check. Hmmm, able to carry provisions for sustained HA/DR missions with civilian staff world-wide, check. Hmmm, 25 + ton cranes + extensive RO/RO capability, check. Hmmm, 12-16 heavy/light helicopter air lift capability, check. Hmmm, Replenishment At Sea (RAS) + missiles/bullet re-loads, check, check & check! Too expensive…perhaps but what Canada really needs to get us “back-in-the-game”…you bet! Check & Check!!
I guess you missed the part about about the internals and capability being quite different from the original Berlin Class. Its not like we copied the class design exactly and called it a day and in naval shipbuilding variants on a older design is perfectly normal. The JSS despite what you hoped was never going to be built because we loaded it down with so many capabilities it just wasn’t viable to be built with the resources we had and honestly we don’t the equipment, troops or doctrine. We all know the capabilities compared to the intended requirements of the JSS, yes 100% its a more capable design and that’s not in dispute however from your comments you seem to infer that the Protecteur Class that is currently being built is not much more capable than the old Preserver/Protecteur when its actually significantly better. It seems nothing is good enough for you. Regardless I suppose its really doesn’t matter now is that we are getting our sustainment capability back with a significant increase and will undoubtedly improve recruitment and retention in the RCN, sailors love new shiny kit. Call it a day and be glad we are getting new ships.
To Ted Barnes RE 14 May 2024-4:16 PM. You may be willing to accept a second or third rated so-called JSS and “call it a day” as you say, but the Canadian public deserve nothing less that the best Multi-Function Support Vessel that they can acquire for the RCN and not a JSS “wanna-be” taken from an in-service German AOR design. I am not “inferring” as you say, that the Protecteur Class is nothing short of just another AOR. I am stating the fact! In my own opinion only the best Multi-Roll Joint Support Ship is good enough for the RCN. (Only your best is good enough)! What we are building for now will have to do, I suppose, but why just 2? Why not 3 or 4? And please don’t talk to me about no more money or not enough CAF personnel. That my friend, is just more bovine scatology.
To David Dunlop 24 May 2024, 8:44 am. I was privileged enough to be allowed onboard the Berlin Class that was in Halifax a few days ago. It’s quite a nice vessel and that ship is over and above the capability of Preserver. I have seen plans of our new JSS and look forward of having them in the fleet.
That being said, additional platforms would most certainly put an unacceptable strain of personnel and resources. But blame the government not me, we are facing significant cutbacks in the RCN right now that threaten platforms, and operations. We are currently facing 50% of our sailors not being able to go to sea for one reason or another. That’s reality my friend.
RE: Ted Barnes-24 May 2024, 9:52 pm. Yes Ted, the Belin class is an exceptional AOR. I too have been privileged over my RCN service to be aboard several Berlin class AORs, but they are not a Multi-Purpose Joint Support Ship in any shape or fashion. The Protecteur class that Canada is building, has some characteristics of a JSS, but not nearly the capabilities of a Multi-Role JSS that was first intended for the RCN. Yes, as I said before, more of these Protecteur class will have to be built in order to mimic the capabilities of a “true” JSS. If we had built the Canadian JSS as was first envisioned, perhaps only 2 would have been needed vice 3 or 4 Protecteur class. I too understand one of the main problems is a lack of personnel to man even the 2 Protecteur class that are being built today. Recruiting is our main requirement right now both with the RCN and the CF in general (16,000+ down – so far). Blame it on our short-sighted government yes, but also on ourselves for letting it happen to begin with!
RE: David Dunlop 25 May 2024, 11:04 am
So you are admitting that the Protecteur Class has some characteristics of the JSS and no one is saying they are the same. There are alot of “Ifs” David but the reality is we asked for too many capabilities in a class at the start and this is what we ended up getting when we should have kept our focus at base capabilities. It’s the classic champagne taste on a beer budget. It was the same as the people who wished that we bought the Mistral class. At least with the Protecteur Class we will be using them to maintain our fleet and is a major step up from our previous capability. We needed to focus on getting a core replenishment capability back instead of shooting for the stars on a “big honking” ship wish that ended up backfiring. If we had the personnel, budget, doctrine, and government that wasn’t scared to spend a dollar then I would be inclined to say we should have a JSS or like capability. Unless there is an attitude change we are always gong to have a small navy. We should be concentrating on maintaining core capabilities and expand when we can actually support them.