It is not unusual for big organizations to experience problematic behaviour among personnel. The Canadian military is no exception and, as an organization with a long history of male dominance, […]
Dan Middlemiss, 25 December 2020. Murray Brewster reported on 23 December that an independent analysis reveals that the total life-cycle costs of the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) have risen to […]
The recent Parliamentary Budget Office report on the Joint Support Ships (JSS) made it clear that the build will cost significant money, and noted the huge difference in cost (and […]
We know that technology affects warfare. How we fight has changed dramatically over the years as technology has developed. We are in the midst of another significant change to warfare […]
David Dunlop, 17 December 2020. How Canada got to the point of selecting the BAES Lockheed Martin (LM) Type 26 Frigate as the successful bidder for the RCN’s new Canadian […]
Dan Middlemiss, 16 December 2020. Here we go again! From his voluminous collection of interviews and Access To Information (ATI) documents, David Pugliese has just published two more articles questioning […]
The Royal Canadian Navy follows Canadian government support for international maritime law, and this means that RCN ships often participate in operations that involve countering malign behaviour at sea. People […]
Dan Middlemiss, 15 December 2020. I recently posted a short summary of an article by journalist David Pugliese on the rising costs of the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC).[1] This led […]
CNR Fan, 12 December 2020. Cyber-attacks are all over the news [1][2]. Besides individuals and enterprises [3][4], hackers are now probing security of government servers and the industry [5][6]. Over […]
RCN Public Affairs, 12 December 2020. HMCS Toronto is currently deployed with Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) on Operation REASSURANCE as part of NATO assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe. […]
Dan Middlemiss, 10 December 2020. Today, journalist David Pugliese wrote another long exposé of the planning, or lack thereof, behind Ottawa’s Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) [1]. His article, allegedly based […]
We have already discussed the importance of maintaining naval ships. This is critical because Canada keeps its navy ships in service for many years. But not only is maintenance critical, […]
The government has two major projects for the Canadian Forces coming up in the near future – the Canadian Surface Combatants (CSC) and the replacement fighter jets. Both are big […]
RCN Media Release, 07 December 2020. On Thursday, 26 November 2020 the final Sea King frame was removed from Shearwater and delivered to Rotor Max Support Ltd. (RMS) signaling the […]
RCN Public Affairs, 04 December 2020. Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Winnipeg was deployed on Op NEON as Canada’s contribution to a coordinated multinational effort to support United Nations Security […]
David Dunlop, 02 December 2020. According to Leadmark 2050, “To meet defence and security challenges in the coming decades, Canada’s maritime forces will need to become better equipped for Maritime […]
Dan Middlemiss, 02 December 2020. For an interesting interview with Rear-Admiral Casper Donovan, Director General Future Ship Capability on the many ideas and factors currently shaping the design of the […]
Unlike some states that operate in temperate climates all the time, Canadian naval ships and submarines are subject to extremes of temperature, from cold Arctic weather to the heat of […]