An Updated Kingston-class Replacement Pitch

By Alex S., 16 June 2024

A few days ago, Vard Marine led Team Vigilance posted an updated version of their pitch for the (yet to be funded) Kingston-class replacement project. It appears that they have implemented feedback given to them over the past year, as the proposed Flight II solution provides a major capability increase over their initial offering, and bridges the gap between the Harry DeWolf-class and future Canadian Surface Combatant quite nicely.

The Kingston-class is approaching 30 years of age and will need to be replaced at some point, but the question remains as to whether the government will be willing to add a fourth shipyard (Ontario Shipyards) to the National Shipbuilding Strategy (NSS).

While not all details regarding the ship have been provided, the publicly available information has been summarized below.

Designed for Oceanic Transits:

- Hull designed for enhanced oceanic seakeeping and long range (Esquimalt to Yokosuka direct / Halifax to Sierra Leone direct)

Efficient Hull and Machinery:

- Hull and machinery optimized for efficiency across operating speed range. PTI / PTO used to enhance overall efficiency at lower speeds

Enhanced Crew Comfort:

- Officers and Senior NCMs in 2-person cabins with ensuite washrooms/showers. Junior NCMs in 4-person cabins. Dedicated leisure and gym facilities, and an all ranks mess

Oversized Ops / Comms Room:

- Ops room designed with future fit and modular payloads in mind. Designed to house operators for all organic and off board systems (UAS, AUV, USV)

Dedicated UAV/UAS Facilities:

- Organic landing, hangar, and maintenance facilities for multiple UAV/UAS

Modular Mission Deck:

- Built-in deck skidding system allows for rapid movement and securing of modules on deck

- Capacity for 4x 40ft or 8x 20ft ISO Containers for general transport or HADR missions

- 2 x 12 m Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boats on Cube™ davit module

- Capacity for containerized ASW modules (ex. CAPTAS-2, Mk 54, decoy launchers, etc.)

- Cube™ launch-and-recovery modules capable of hosting stern survey sensors and ROVs

- Stand-off MCM capability via the Pathmaster System

- Up to 6 Cube™ based Naval Strike Missile (NSM) launchers for hosting a total of 24 missiles for a sustained anti-surface capability

- 3 to 4 Mk 70 Payload Delivery Systems (each system contains four strike length Mk 41 VLS cells)

Main Sensors (Flight II):

- NS-100 4D AESA Radar (250km+ range)

- STIR Tracking & Illumination Radar

- Scout Mk3 Medium Range Covert Surveillance Radar

- Gatekeeper Electro-Optical Security Sensors

- Bluewatch/Bluehunter Hull Mounted Sonar

- Altesse-H Communications Electronics Support Measures / COMINT

- Vigile Mk2 Radar Electronic Support Measures

- Integrated Internal + External Communication System

Modularized Sensors (Flight II):

- CAPTAS-2 Variable Depth Sonar

- Pathmaster Mine Countermeasures USV

Weapons + Countermeasure (Flight II):

- 2x 3-Cell ExLS with 24x CAMM Surface to Air Missiles (25km range)

- 1x Bofors 40 mm Main Gun

- 2x 12.7mm or 20mm Remote Weapons Systems

- 2x Decoy Launching System

Modularized Weapon System (Flight II):

- Containerized Naval Strike Missiles

- Mk 70 Payload Delivery System (Modularized Mk 41 VLS)

- Mk 54 Lightweight Torpedo System

- ASW Decoy Launchers

Their interactive 3D viewer can be found in the link below.

Their video can be found in the link below.



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