Some CSC Updates

By Dr. Timothy Choi, 6 June 2023

In the past few days, the RCN and PSPC have released some updates on the progress of CSC.

On PSPC's part, their annual NSS "Year in Review" report, which covers progress up to the end of 2022, indicates the following:

...preliminary design review, which begins to finalize the overall structure of the vessel, was substantially completed in December. Work has begun on the second of the 3 design phases: Functional design. This phase includes detailed design and engineering work to construct the vessel according to Canadian requirements.

The Government of Canada, in collaboration with its partners, continued to prepare for the CSC implementation (build) contract with early discussions taking place in 2022 and contract development and negotiation planned for 2023 and 2024.

The Year in Review 2022 page can be accessed here:

Next, the RCN revealed in the latest issue of their Trident magazine that they have "locked in" the configuration of the "Command Information Centre", or CIC. The article provides a fascinating inside look at how detailed design of spaces occurs to maximize compatibility with existing RCN practices despite using US systems. The article can be accessed here:


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