By David Dunlop, 18 January 2022
The Lockheed Martin Canada web page is showing a top-view of the CSC design (seen above). Recent computer graphics of the CSC frigate on the LM website seem to bear out the recent changes to the CSC design. Notice that the 32 MK 41 VLS cells are now down to 24, the CSC mast itself is larger and has been extended upwards and the two large satellite antennas have been moved from midships either side of the CAAM VLS system to 'kitty-corner' around the new mast structure and seem to be a bit smaller. There are also two cylindrical structures aft and outside of the hull structure (beside the multi-mission bay-MMB compartment) that don't look like any life-boats at all. But who knows. It's all so secretive and mysterious.

12 thoughts on “Further CSC graphics”
The cylinders aft of the mission bay are just liferaft canisters, like the ones behind the bulwark on the bridge wings. If you zoom in on the larger image (I’ve cropped and posted one here:, you can see the seam between the halves, and the rack holding them is consistent with those used on other ships like this one:
Hi Tim. You could very well be right, but again, who knows with all the government secrecy surrounding this project.
How can secrecy about a strategic asset be that bad of a thing? There are plenty of us who actually know lots about this project because we have a need to know. The public will be informed when they have a need to. Making continuous comments about the purpose of random cylinders on a graphic is not helpful. The public knows the broad capabilities of this platform, the general cost and timelines.
Hello Arctic Guy. Even though I have over 41 1/2 years of RCN continuous service, as a retired sailor from the Halifax class frigate era, and as a concerned citizen, I have a right to know as much as the government will tell me about these CSC “Cadillacs” that the government is asking our current sailors to ride on and to keep them safe. What I do know, is that life-rafts are not normally placed out-board of the ship’s structure. That is not normal. Most ship’s life rafts are placed “in-board” either on the waists (port/stb’d) or the higher up top-side and bridge wings etc. where the sailors can reach their “raft stations” if required. The problem is the public does not know “the broad capabilities” as you say of the CSC Frigates due to the ridiculous government secrecy policies that surround this “project”, and we have a right to know as we are the “true” owners of these CSC Frigates. I realize that there are legitimate ship secrets that must be kept from prying eyes/ears, and I am not saying that the government or Lockheed Martin give away the ships’ “real ship capabilities” however the Canadian public does not even know the “general costs and timelines” as you say. All we are given are PBO reports that are speculative. Perhaps the RCN is correct in its cost estimates after all. But who knows.
Appreciate your service and your concerns. Again this is a graphic and you well know between models and graphics have all kinds of differences over time, I wouldn’t be concerned about something that very well could be nothing or the placement of a life raft. I would wager when the design phase is completed a better graphic or model will come out to allay your taxpayer concerns about life raft placement.
Hi Tim. Looks very well that you are right about it, but it would be very strange. Why add some weight by building those extensions to support the life raft. It would also increase the ship’s radar cross section to have it standing out like that!
No it’s because people are reading too much into the graphics.
Then what do you “speculate” the graphic represents “Retired RCN”. Give us your professional opinion. I think all forum members would like to know. What ever it is, it is just about certain that it is not a 20 man life raft.
Don’t need to speculate on anything, it more than likely just artistic license on a rapidly changing graphic completed by a graphic artist who doesn’t know ships. It’s certainly not a directed energy weapon. It seems to be driving you crazy though.
Agree Mikaël. As I said in my last reply to Arctic Guy, that is not a space outside the hull where you would put a “life raft” station for sailors. So what is it? I thought a DEW laser system but I think I am wrong about that. It very well may be part of the ECM RAVEN system. But again, who knows. The government or LM is certainly not saying. Cheers!
That is not part of the Raven ECM array, that is mounted on the lower part of the new mast arrangement.
Then please, if you would, enlighten all forum members “Retired RCN.