David Dunlop, 22 January 2021
Now that both Canada and Spain have signed contracts for SPY-7 Radars for both the CSC and F110 Frigates, it seems fitting to discuss total costs for all systems on each class. The Spanish F110 class contract costs for all 5 Frigates is $591.1M USD. Although the contract costs for the 15 CSC Frigates SPY 7 Radar systems have not been disclosed by Lockheed Martin or Irving Shipyard, based on the Spanish USD costs, the 15 SPY 7 systems would cost roughly $1.557B USD or $1.976B CAD for all systems. Why is it that Spain can disclose their costs for these systems but Canada cannot? Why is there so much secrecy surrounding anything discussed around the CSC Frigate program costs? We maybe even have managed a better deal than Spain for these systems, but....who knows, it's all so hush, hush.
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The other Lockheed Martin ship program has turned into a nightmare for the US Navy. https://www.forbes.com/sites/craighooper/2021/01/20/biden-faces-new-shipbuilding-crisis-must-move-fast-and-kill-freedom-class-lcs