The fall issue of Canadian Naval Review Vol. 16, No. 2 (2020) is now available!
Be prepared for a great issue! In this issue we start with an Editorial that asks if it is time to rethink Canada’s concept of seapower as the world experiences a period of geopolitical readjustment. We have an interesting article that examines the question of military planning and preparedness using the COVID-19 pandemic as an example. We have another article that discusses climate change and how this will affect the tasks that the RCN will be asked to do.

There’s an article that uses newly declassified material to re-examine civil-military relations in Canada at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. And for fans of submarines, we have an article that digs into the power requirements that Canada would need should it decide to get AIP submarines capable of traveling under ice in the Arctic.
In Making Waves, we have a response to a commentary in the spring issue that questioned some elements of the NSS. Another commentary outlines how China’s recent maritime behaviour is alienating and frightening its neighbours and wonders if there is a strategic plan behind the behaviour…. And so on. In other words, the fall issue is full of brilliant material - as usual, illustrated with beautiful photos.
If you don’t have a subscription yet, you should get one so you don’t miss anything. Keep your eyes on the CNR Twitter account for details (CdnNavalReview). And see the full table of contents below.
Table of Contents - Vol 16.2 (2020)
- Editorial: Is It Time for a New Concept of Canadian Seapower? - by Rob Huebert;
- For Want of a Nail, the Kingdom was Lost - Vice-Admiral (Ret’d) Sir Jeremy Blackham;
- Foreshadowing Humanitarian Tasks for the Royal Canadian Navy - Sergeant (Ret’d) Simon Wells;
- Canadian Civil-Military Relations: 1962 and the Cuban Missile Crisis - Bill E. Featherstone;
- Power Estimates for an Arctic AIP Submarine for Canada - José Cañadas Méndez;
- Making Waves
- A Response to “The NSS: Flawed Premises” - Ian Mack;
- Is There a Plan behind China’s Recent Behaviour? - Ann Griffiths;
- The Australian 2020 Defence Strategic Update - Colonel (Ret’d) Brian K. Wentzell.
- A View from the West: Maritime Domain Awareness and Piracy in Asia - Shannon João Sterrett;
- Dollars and Sense: Coping with COVID - Dave Perry;
- Warship Developments: Pandemic Sticker Shock - Doug Thomas;
- Book reviews;
- Back cover.