30 March 2017. An article written by Christopher Cedros, a surface warfare office with the US Navy, sparked my earlier comment on repair containers and mexeflotes. The article is “Distributed […]
22 March 2017. “Mexeflote for Interim AOR” was the title of an article posted on Broadsides last September. The article proposed the interim AOR be equipped with a mexeflote-powered raft […]
22 March 2017. President Donald Trump has stated that he wants to increase the size of the US military and has called for a major increase of the US Navy. […]
22 March 2017. The federal budget is due to be presented in the next few weeks. With fiscal room shrinking, and an uncertain relationship with Canada’s biggest trading partner, it […]
16 March 2017. Rosborough Boats of Halifax has been building boats in Nova Scotia since 1955. Now the company has been awarded a contract that will see them build 12 […]
2 March 2017. This thought-provoking article should be a ‘must read’ for politicians and military leaders. It conclusion, ‘It would be wise for Canada to follow a balanced policy: to […]
2 March 2017. A sound national strategic analysis takes many factors into consideration; of these, the stability of the global economy is in the forefront. Trade, by sea by air […]
China opposes U.S. naval patrols in South China Sea China said on Tuesday it opposed action by other countries under the pretext of freedom of navigation that undermined its sovereignty […]
13 Feb 2017. This is certainly fair comment from General Vance, but surely this has been the case for much longer than his tenure. In talking to journalists, a frequent […]
6 Feb 2017. Oh dear; this looks like the near-perfect case study on how to mismanage a national defense program. Maybe Canadians can learn something from the sad state of […]
” This article offers serious food for thought on a far wider scale than the UK alone, begging questions such as, ‘Has military procurement become so expensive that the world […]
30 Jan 2017. BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENCE: DO WE NEED IT AT SEA IN THE CANADIAN SURFACE COMBATTANT? There has been a fair amount of controversy surrounding whether or not the […]
27 Jan 2017. Beijing may think they are Chinese territory but others have a very different view. Is building military facilities on disputed China Sea Islands really any different morally […]
20 January 2017. A thought-provoking read that lays out a very long-term scenario for maritime security in the Pacific Ocean and in the South China Sea. Should this scenario play […]