Canada First Defence Strategy

7 posts

CSC option Hunter class

More Thoughts on the Canadian Surface Combatant

The two previous posts provide an interesting introduction to the Canadian Surface Combatant capability issue. Where Hansen suggests the survivability of medium-sized warships against modern weapon systems is questionable, the […]


Problems with Naval Ship Procurement?

Radio Canada’s le téléjournal ran an investigative report Tuesday and Wednesday on naval ship procurement.  The opposition parties are claiming that government incompetence could lead to massive overspending under the […]

Frigate in Arctic

This is no time to hesitate – Act!

If we keep on dithering with Arctic Ocean policy, it will be the ‘Arctic Desert’ before the academics, politicians, military and bureaucrats get anything done – and by then it […]

Naval helicopters

Where are the naval helicopters?

Amid all of the discussions and commentaries about the defence policy announcement, something has been overlooked.  Neither in the speeches nor in the Backgrounders was there any mention of the […]

Canadian Naval Task Group

The Canadian Naval Task Group (II)

Everything that Peter Haydon says in his article on the “Canadian Naval Task Group” is accurate. The task group has been fundamental to our past success and it will likely […]
