Procrustes, 26 June 2020. A 26 June 2020 report from Australia indicates potential problems for the Australian Hunter-class variant of the Type 26 frigate.[1] The report suggests that the ship […]
Procrustes, 17 May 2020. In reading through various discussions of the likely capabilities to issue forth from the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) bid competition, one might be struck by an […]
The British government announced that the first of the Royal Navy’s Type 26 frigates will be laid down within the month after an order was placed and contract signed with […]
There’s been increasing interest in autonomous service vehicles (ASV) and the USN Sea Hunter appears to be the most advanced and complex of the lot. It is claimed this “robotic […]
Mr. Milewski’s underlying assumption in the article is stated in his byline: “Cost of Arctic patrol ships’ design sparks warning of another procurement ‘fiasco.’ ” The facts offered in support […]
Michael Byers and Stewart Webb have authored an interesting report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Rideau Institute entitled “Titanic Blunder: Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ships on Course […]
I would like to take up Stan Weeks’ challenge in his article on “Density as a Ship Design Factor.” Stan references a U.S. Government Accountability Office report. Those interested can […]
A report on 24 January 2012 from the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense on the US Navy’s future surface combatant plans raises the […]
Based on a comprehensive review of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) acquisition program, Secretary of the Navy Donald C. Winter announced today that he is prepared to lift a previously […]
Lexington Institute Paper, “Modularity, the Littoral Combat Ship and the Future of The United States Navy” is available here. The Lexington Institute paper provides a general overview and somewhat one-sided […]