RCN Major Warships Unable to Fill their NATO Duties?

By David Dunlop, 10 August 2022

It has finally happened! Canada's RCN will not be able to fulfill its commitments to either one of NATO's Task Forces that Canada has faithfully contributed to for many years. The reasons are quite obvious after HMCS Montreal and HMCS Halifax returned from those duties last month. Because of the state of Canada's Halifax-class frigates, and the depletion of Canada's naval personnel, our Navy is in such a state of disrepair that Canada may not be part of Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 or 2 (SNMG 1/2) fleets for years to come. This is a very sad day for the RCN and this state was completely avoidable. Canada's Halifax-class frigates are getting tired and need to be retired soon. Most of the fleet is either in deep maintenance or rusted to the point where they are becoming unsafe for sailors to sail on. In my opinion we need to shelve the entire Halifax-class fleet and quickly procure or rent other naval ships to at least fully fulfill our NATO commitments in the near term. In the long term, we need to quickly get the NSS on track and get the CSC Frigates out there to replace the Halifax class. All forum members should respond to this travesty for the RCN and let the government know and make it care what happens to our "so-called" Navy! We have been the laughing stock of NATO for far too long!" Please read below:



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