David Dunlop, 5 May 2021
Naval News is reporting that MBDA has confirmed the order on 19 April 2021 by Lockheed Martin to equip their Sea Ceptor Close in Air Defence (CIADS) Weapon System utilizing the Common Anti-air Modular Missile (CAMM) for the CSC Frigates. This system will replace the CIWS and Sea Ram weapon systems that were first envisioned for the frigates but with a much longer range. The report can be seen at: https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2021/04/mbda-confirms-sea-ceptor-order-for-canadian-surface-combatant/
4 thoughts on “New weapon system is announced for the Canadian Surface Combatant”
Certainly a great short range missile system for the CSC Frigate. It is not known however, if the CAMM CIADS system will also include the CAMM-ER or as it is called the Albatros-NG version which has a maximum range of approximately 40kms.
Hi David,
I don’t believe that we would use the CAMM-ER since we are using the ESSM for point defense. With the SM2 block IIIC, ESSM and Sea ceptor, the CSC will posses a great layered Anti-Air capability.
Sounds reasonable Mikaël. However “fitted for but not with”?
Hi David,
Unlike the UK who have 24 cells MK41 launchers in each Type 26 frigates but no missile purchase announcement of any kind to fill them up, we, at least have an approved sell by the US government for a 100 SM2-BlockIIIC worth about 500-600 US$ million. There is still no announcement for the ESSM but it would be reasonable to eventually a standard fit of 24 CAMM, 32 ESSM and a combination of TLAM and Standard missiles for the remaining 24 cells. Off course, we need to begin building some ships first!