RCN CSC factsheet Nov20

We Will Always Have Your Back?

David Dunlop, 15 February 2021

It seems that the only way Canadians are receiving current and accurate information on the CSC Type 26 Frigate program Definition Phase is through the media over the last several months. Cases in point: Why, on Feb 04 2021 did we have to go through the media to find out about the ULTRA Electronics contract awarded to develop the newest VDS Sonar named the Towed Low Frequency Active Sonar (TLFAS)? [1] This subcontract moves the development of CSC’s anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capability from the program definition phase, into the full manufacture and delivery of the vessel’s suite of sonars for the CSC Frigate. This now takes the system out of the LM Design Phase and into the production phase. Again, why did we have to go through foreign media to find out anything on the LM SPY 7 LRDR Radar system to be fitted on at least 3 navies on Feb 13 2021? “The Lockheed Martin SPY 7 Is Going To Sea” [2]. Also on Feb 13 2021, CBC News’ Murray Brewster reported on a Kevin McCoy retirement interview who indicated the “full load” displacement of the CSC Frigate will likely be around 9,400 tonnes, almost double that of the Halifax class Frigate. [3] Why couldn’t this information come directly from government sources? Why did it take an article from Naval News correspondent Xavier Vavasseur on 12 Feb 2021 to give us full specifications on the CSC Frigate including the fact that the CSC Frigate will have an Over All Length (OAL) of 151.4 metres, as compared to the British Type 26 Frigates 149.9 metres-a full 1.5 metres longer. Apparently the “sail-away” weight of the CSC Frigate will now be 7,800 tonnes. [4] The point in all of this is that we are getting no or very little accurate information from our own government and we should be. It is time for the Trudeau government to be up front with the Canadian people as they said they would be. Remember “We will always have your back”?


1. https://sdquebec.ca/en/news/ultra-electronics-awarded-canadian-surface-combatant-subcontract-to-provide-variable-depth-sonar

2. https://seapowermagazine.org/lockheed-martins-spy-7-radar-is-going-to-sea/

3. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/it-will-be-at-least-a-decade-before-canada-sees-any-of-its-new-frigates/ar-BB1dDVap?pfr=1

4. https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2021/02/technological-advancements-make-the-csc-the-right-choice-for-the-royal-canadian-navy/


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