
Special Issue of Canadian Naval Review – Now Available

In early April 2016, the government of Canada announced that it would conduct a Defence Policy Review to examine the issues and elements of defence policy in a world that has changed greatly since the last review in the 1990s. In February of this year, in anticipation of this announcement, Canadian Naval Review (CNR)– sponsored by the Naval Association of Canada (NAC) – decided to publish a special theme issue focused on what should be considered in that review. The Special Issue was designed to address the question, what are the important naval matters the Defence Review should consider? To answer this question, contributors examined a series of other questions. What is the strategic maritime environment, and how is Canada affected by it? What technology and ships will characterize future naval forces? What will be the maritime challenges in the Arctic? What are the financial considerations of the naval procurement program? Is there a cost premium for building ships in Canada? How is the use of maritime air assets changing? Does Canada need to consider a submarine procurement program and, if so, what capabilities would the future submarines need? Can we learn from Australia’s maritime policy and procurement?

The Special Issue of CNR Vol 12.1 examines these matters.

The Special Issue was made possible by a generous contribution from the Naval Association of Canada.


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