On Tuesday, 19 January, Murray Brewster of the Canadian Press filed a report that described the logistical problems confronting the Canadian Forces as they ramped up for Operation Hestia. Quoting […]
Murray Brewster’s article entitled “DND to drop costly cargo ship” in the Thursday, 28 July, issue of The Chronicle Herald reports on the continuing problems with commercial charter arrangements to […]
Reports, all unsubstantiated so far, continue to surface about the possibility of Canada acquiring a ship or ships capable of amphibious operations. (See: “Big Honkin’ Ships” by Chris MacLean in […]
Brian Stewart, formerly Senior Correspondent for CBC’s national news programme “The National” and now Distinguished Senior Fellow with the Munk Centre at the University of Toronto, filed a report on […]
If the Canadian navy had possessed a large ship available to deploy in the case of such incidents as the Haitian Earthquake: an AOR, JSS, Large Deck Amphib, or a […]