naval operational concepts

13 posts

More misguided efforts

On 23 March, Jeremy Binnie, Jane’s Defence Weekly Middle East/Africa Editor in London, reported that the EU had expanded the area of operations for the EU Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) counter-piracy […]


To group or not to group?*

*Moderator’s Note: Portions of this article appeared originally as “The History and Theory of Naval Effects-Based Operations” in Effects-Based Approaches to Operations: Canadian Perspectives, Alan English and Howard Coombs, eds., […]

VIC class

Comparing nuclear and conventional capabilities*

*Moderator’s Note: This statement originally appeared as part of an exchange between members on the Naval Affairs Discussion of the Naval Association of Canada. It is reprinted here with the […]


Our navy, Our country

The fall out of the recent federal election, amidst the worldwide economic swirl, opens an opportunity for the Canadian government to invest in Canadian jobs and Canadian technology through Canada’s […]


In Defence of Airedale

It seems to me that Airedale is expressing frustration at the lack of a comprehensive explanation by the navy about how the future fleet plans make it any better able […]


The status quo is not sustainable

I am encouraged that we are starting to have a long overdue discussion of this important subject. I would like to add two points to LCdr. Carroll’s and Cmdre. Lehre’s […]


The place of Canada and its navy in the west

Airedale presents an argument heard all too often in Canada, not just in academic common rooms or their virtual equivalents such as this forum, where there is a certain expectation […]
