Canada will be recapitalizing much of the naval and coast guard surface fleets under its National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy (NSPS). Much of this promised $38 billion is earmarked for 15 […]
I have just learned that the names of the two new Berlin-class ships are to be HMCS Châteauguay and HMCS Queenston. A news release of the announcement by MND Rob […]
[Thursday, 10 November 2011] There have been few aircraft in Canada’s aviation history that have provided enduring and outstanding service worthy of note more than the Sea King maritime helicopter. […]
To commemorate the Canadian Naval Centennial, and to provoke debate on our navy’s history, I have compiled a list of twenty-five significant moments that capture what I consider to be […]
Dear Senator Kenny, Bravo Zulu on a plainspoken wake up call to Canadians. Jack Granatstein’s classics – “Who Killed Canadian History?” and “Who Killed the Canadian Military?” have fallen on […]
Robin Allan refers to the requirement as a “Big Honking Ship”. The term is somewhat overly generous. The projected full load displacement of the JSS is about 28,000 tons, about […]