Most global trade is transported via the oceans, and Canada relies on the oceans to transport all its non-US trade. As well, Canada has always been a supporter of law […]
Dr. Susan Avery will be providing the keynote talk at the Oceans Gala Dinner at the Coastal Zone Canada 2014 Conference on Wednesday, June 18th. Dr. Avery is President and […]
There appear to be few internationally contentious issues that Canada faces regarding its claims of sovereignty over its arctic landmasses, including its archipelago, aside from a minor challenge concerning Hans […]
On 8 March 2009, according to the Pentagon, “five Chinese vessels shadowed and aggressively maneuvered in dangerously close proximity to USNS Impeccable in an apparent coordinated effort to harass the […]
Mark J. Valencia, a maritime policy analyst based in Kaneohe, Hawaii, has written an important essay that has been published on-line by “Nautilus,” the forum of the Northeast Asia Peace […]
Commander James Kraska’s article provides an accurate description of the various legal views surrounding the maritime incident between China and the United States involving USNS Impeccable, with a necessary focus on […]
The fall out of the recent federal election, amidst the worldwide economic swirl, opens an opportunity for the Canadian government to invest in Canadian jobs and Canadian technology through Canada’s […]
The size of Canada’s offshore areas of maritime responsibility and the vast distances of our airspace and sea approaches make a blue water navy fundamental to our security and sovereignty […]