The following announcement was sent out by the Conference of Defence Associations Institute: Ottawa, 11 June 2014 – The Conference of Defence Associations Institute is pleased to release Vimy Paper […]
[*This article appeared originally in the February 2013 issue of Marine Matters. It is reprinted here with the permission of the publisher.] It is an odd thing about Canada that, […]
The Government of Canada received the report of Mr. Tom Jenkins, the Special Adviser to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services on 12 February 2013. The report is […]
Radio Canada’s le téléjournal ran an investigative report Tuesday and Wednesday on naval ship procurement. The opposition parties are claiming that government incompetence could lead to massive overspending under the […]
[*Moderator’s Note: This article appeared originally as part of the ‘Plain Talk’ series in the Fall 2010 issue (Vol. 6, No. 3) of Canadian Naval Review.] Is the announcement of […]
I was squarely in Eric Lerhe’s court until his last paragraph. I am not as convinced as him that all the hoped for procurements outlined in the current government’s policy – whether […]
I agree with much of Ken Hansen’s analysis. While we have indeed done badly at maintaining leading edge capabilities after purchase (note, however, exceptions of Halifax-class, CP-140, and CF-18 mid-life […]
Defence Industry Daily (13 Oct 10 – “Canada’s C$2.9 B “Joint Support Ship” Project, Take 2”) and Dave Pugliese’s Defence Watch (20 Oct 10 – “Joint Support Ship Less Capable But Air […]
Some of the issues in Professor Geoffrey Till’s recent paper found here (Naval War College Review, Winter 2010, pp. 33-60) may not apply to Canada, the strategic nuclear deterrent being […]
Ken Hansen has posed an interesting question. It is not a question that is independent of other maritime concerns, namely ‘maritime blindness of the Canadian society’, the future of the Canadian navy, […]
If we keep on dithering with Arctic Ocean policy, it will be the ‘Arctic Desert’ before the academics, politicians, military and bureaucrats get anything done – and by then it […]
The fall out of the recent federal election, amidst the worldwide economic swirl, opens an opportunity for the Canadian government to invest in Canadian jobs and Canadian technology through Canada’s […]
The announcement on the evening of Friday, August 22, 2008 of the cancellation of the JSS procurement should have been no surprise to any observer of naval and military affairs. […]
Dear Senator Kenny, Bravo Zulu on a plainspoken wake up call to Canadians. Jack Granatstein’s classics – “Who Killed Canadian History?” and “Who Killed the Canadian Military?” have fallen on […]
Amid all of the discussions and commentaries about the defence policy announcement, something has been overlooked. Neither in the speeches nor in the Backgrounders was there any mention of the […]
I would like to bring two important news items to the attention of our readers. First, a CBC report indicates that the Canadian government’s self-imposed deadline on a decision to […]
Murray Brewster’s article [The Globe and Mail, “DND may be shopping for new subs, sources say”] casts an interesting light on the future of Canada’s submarine fleet. The existing four […]
This February, David Pugliese reported that a leaked copy of the Canada First Defence Strategy would retire our current AOR in 2010, two years before the JSS was delivered in […]
This story should be a wake-up call for the Canadian policy makers that are still in the midst of fine-tuning the Canada First Defence Policy (CFDP). The influential Center for […]
Today’s article by David Pugiliese suggests concerns about sole sourcing may have resulted in a scuppering of plans to fast track a $500M purchase of General Atomics’ MQ-1 ‘Predator’ drones. […]