As Yogi used to say, 'Deja vu all over again!' As in the late 1980s, the strategic importance of the Arctic rises to near the top of our national concerns. By far the greatest part of that concern should be for accident prevention in those waters closely followed by rescue and recovery operations. The Chinese may be ready to send the shipping, but is Canada ready to receive those ships?
The Globe and Mail - China reveals plans to ship cargo across Canada’s Northwest Passage
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Canadians will soon have to wake up to the realization that the future of their country will be decided by other nations. We have a vast treasure trove of natural resources that other nations crave for their own exploitation. Successive Governments in Ottawa have totally neglected our defence capability for thirty years. Our defence budgets are frittered away not on trained military personnel, or vital hardware but on studies, reviews, procurement forums and anything else that can be thought of to spend the defence dollars on “white collar jobs’ too often laden with ex-military consultants. An endless round of meetings, dinners at the Chateau Laurier, flying back and forth to Europe or the US evaluate weapons systems for equipment that is never purchased. WAR IS AN UNAVOIDABLE COMPONENT OF HUMAN EXISTANCE. It will always be with us. A strong military ensures that wars will be fought on foreign soil. Unfortunately today if a crisis blows up Canada will be one of the battlefields. The Nation has a defence crisis, the citizens of Canada should hold their Government criminally negligent, in the case of a disaster.