Dave Shirlaw, editor and publisher of the on-line SeaWaves Magazine, wrote this commentary in the December 8th issue: “With the upcoming retirement of USS Enterprise in 2011, [the] Canadian destroyer […]
Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope, the First Sea Lord of the Royal Navy, has spoken about how the Navy is supporting operations in Afghanistan and how Defence needs to think beyond […]
*Moderators Note: This article is reprinted with permission from Seaways, Journal of the Nautical Institute, October 2009, pp. 25-26 After 16 months of careful preparation and stage managed partial disclosures, […]
The Canadian navy is seeking a new image. The navy has launched a public relations ‘blitz’ in conjunction with its 100-year celebrations. The Chief of Maritime Staff, Vice-Admiral Dean McFadden, […]
It seems to me that Airedale is expressing frustration at the lack of a comprehensive explanation by the navy about how the future fleet plans make it any better able […]
I read Mr. Perry’s Broadside commentary “A Sub Too Far” with attention and interest. In terms of your reflections on public perception vis-à-vis submarines (“there will be little public appetite […]
Professor Edna Keeble’s recommendation for acquiring a “strike capability for the Navy (e.g. TLAM – Tomahawk Land Attack Missile)” is the same as that made by Professor Elinor Sloan in […]