Broadsides Discussion Forum

1035 posts

The final consequences of failure.

A report in The Australian published on 8 December describes ‘a purge’ of the Royal Navy’s senior leadership over the embarrassment caused by the ‘fiasco’ when 15 sailors and marines […]


Daily developments – more complications

Yesterday, the New York Times carried a report that the United States will place a proposal before the UN Security Council that could authorize attacks on pirate bases in Somalia […]


How will Canada respond to new developments?

The spectacular increase in number and importance of the ships seized by Somali pirates now rates many daily commentaries in the press.  Such increased attention paid to their actions and […]

Frigate in Arctic

This is no time to hesitate – Act!

If we keep on dithering with Arctic Ocean policy, it will be the ‘Arctic Desert’ before the academics, politicians, military and bureaucrats get anything done – and by then it […]


Our navy, Our country

The fall out of the recent federal election, amidst the worldwide economic swirl, opens an opportunity for the Canadian government to invest in Canadian jobs and Canadian technology through Canada’s […]


Shipbuilding and Independence

The unexpected press release announcing the termination of procurement processes for two new types of ships for the Canadian Coast Guard and Navy was no doubt a heavy blow. And […]


AORs are essential and urgently required

The unexpected press release announcing the termination of procurement processes for two new types of ships for the Canadian Coast Guard and navy was no doubt a heavy blow. And […]


Vindication for more visionary naval requirements and procurement programs

The government, national defence, naval priorities and expeditionary requirements have not been well served by explanations for reconsideration of the approved JSS program given the economic importance and operational urgency in replacement of the old fleet supply vessels. These […]


JSS capability gap

I was the communications officer on HMCS Protecteur when she was deployed to East Timor in 1999. While we did yeoman work supporting forces ashore with fuel, stores and an […]


International flotilla awaits Burma go-ahead

It now appears that a combined American, French and British naval force comprised of amphibious ships, helicopters, landing craft and frigates is likely the West’s only option to deliver relief […]

Naval helicopters

Where are the naval helicopters?

Amid all of the discussions and commentaries about the defence policy announcement, something has been overlooked.  Neither in the speeches nor in the Backgrounders was there any mention of the […]


Fleet Coastal Balance

Re: David Pugliese’s article “Navy passes on shifting more ships to the Pacific” on 09 May, 2008. The balance of warships between East and West has been debated since the […]


US Navy may get shipbuilding boost from Congress

The announcement on Wednesday by Representative Murtha that the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee will approve funds for five more ships to this year’s defence programme, at least one of which […]
