Broadsides Discussion Forum

1037 posts

Canadian navy’s role in maritime trade*

*Moderator’s Note: This article was original published in The Nova Scotian on 10 January 2011. I have decided to focus my first article of the New Year on prosperity and […]


Canada-UK frigate development talks make sense

The initial rumour out of Britain that Canada and UK were discussing new frigate plans [see also here] was quickly denied by the Canadian government, but subsequent public statements by […]


The ocean approaches to North America are also borders

There has been considerable press coverage of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report – Border Security: Enhanced DHS Oversight and Assessment of Interagency Coordination Is Needed for the Northern Border – and […]


Points of comparison for Canada from Australia

I recently came across the Australian Strategic Policy Institute [ASPI] Special Report Issue 31, dated 31 May 2010 and entitled Naval gazing: The future of Australia’s naval shipbuilding and repair […]


Somali pirates’ eastward expansion by Ben West*

*Moderator’s Note: An article entitled was released on 6 December by Strategic Forecasts [STRATFOR].  STRATFOR analyst Ben West examines the reasons why Somali pirates have increasingly looked to the Indian […]


“PRC, Please Build Carriers” by Colin Clark*

*Moderator’s Note: This article was originally published on the Strategic Forecasts (STRAFOR) forum on 5 November 2010.  It is reprinted here with the author’s permission. Colin Clark is editor of […]


What will become of the naval reserve?

At the Maritime Security Conference this past June, Commodore Mark Norman, then the Atlantic Fleet Commander, gave a very candid dinner address on his views about the future of the […]
