By David Dunlop, 22 January 2025
On the topic of the number of RMA in the different SPY-7 radar variants ...
I note a user by the name "Milspec_1967" wrote in a German language forum (German language reference: ) : "SPY-7(V)1 that will go on Canada's FSC uses 9 RMA's and SPY-7(V)2 that will go on Spain's F110 uses 12 RMA's." (Google translation)
That was partly corrected by user by handle "Ottone" ( German language reference: ) who stated: "Not correct: SPY-7(V) 3 comes on the Canadian River class and is the smallest variant, while SPY-7(V)1 was ordered by Japan and represents the largest maritime configuration." (Google translation)
I have no idea as to where user "Milspec_1967" obtained their numbers of RMA from. Given the names of the variant SPY-7 (v)1 was inaccurate in Milspec_1967's initial post (where v(3) added later noted as a correction by user Ottone), I don't know whether to believe such. Further, no references were provided at all!! So I would take all of this, with a strong grain of salt with regard to RMA numbers for each SPY 7 variant (Japanese Mogami Class, Spanish F-110 Class & the CSC River Class Destroyers).
3 thoughts on “SPY-7 RMAs”
According to LM, the SPY-7 RMAs are shoebox size, so I don’t think there are only 9 – someone has this radar confused with EASR (SPY-6):
According to this, the SPY-7s on the River class will have 36 RMAs:
Hello Steve. The 36 RMAs on the SPY 7 (V3) Radar from LM is a total for all 4 panels. So if you do the math that is 9 RMAs per panel. The Raytheon SPY 6 (V1) system has 37 RMAs per panel x 4 panels=148 RMAs total for each Arleigh Burke Flt III Destroyer (a much more powerful and AESA Radar compared to the SPY 7 (V3).
The CDR article is interesting with regard to Canadian Navy Modernization. I believe the first 3 River Class destroyers (Batch I) will start out with the SPY 7 (V3) total 0f 36 RMAs (9 per panel). However, in my opinion, the follow-on destroyers will have the 12 RMAs as with the Japanese Mogami Class ships. The thought of buying 4 off-the shelf AB Flt III Destroyers from the US as well along with updates to the AOPS and replacements for the MCDVs with 12+ more powerful OPVs, and at least another JSS ship also has merit. The 12 new submarines (no matter which one is acquired) is also what Canada needs. The only ‘cog’ in this wheel is personnel needed to crew this fleet (and of course, $$). Another option that must be addressed is the use of Naval AUVs, UUVs and ASVs and maritime aerial surveillance drones and how all will be utilized within this more powerful fleet.
Hi David, that is sort of correct. The SPY-7, from what open-source information I can find, is comprised of “shoe-box size” TR modules (TRMs). The TRMs are replaceable without having to shut off the radar. I think it is dangerous to compare SPY-7 with SPY-6 based on the number of “RMAs” as they appear to have different meanings, with an RMA on SPY-6 being the basic 2-foot squared building block, and the much smaller TRMs on SPY-7 being the basic building block for that radar. The big squares (panels) we see on the River are just a bunch of TRMs grouped together. We have no way of knowing if this configuration produces a more or less capable radar than SPY-6.
Tim Choi did an excellent piece on SPY-7 in this magazine, Vol. 15, number 3, page 28 (