The grounding of a Chinese bulk carrier Saturday on the Great Barrier Reef off Australia has raised a furore in the Australian press and with environmental protection groups around the […]
*Moderator’s Note: Thanks to Dr. Aldo Chircop, CFPS Research Fellow, Professor of Law & Graduate Studies Coordinator Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, who has recently returned from China, for […]
Two links to articles from China Brief concerning the rise of Chinese naval ambitions are provided here, and here; both are informative and insightful. The fact that the People’s Liberations […]
I have read all the posts about piracy and find them very interesting…but somewhat misinformed in certain areas. I am also somewhat disappointed that there is an absence of information […]
Australia’s new Defence White Paper was issued at the beginning of May – and the RAN was the big winner. Press reports describe it as “the most dramatic build-up of […]
On 8 March 2009, according to the Pentagon, “five Chinese vessels shadowed and aggressively maneuvered in dangerously close proximity to USNS Impeccable in an apparent coordinated effort to harass the […]
Mark J. Valencia, a maritime policy analyst based in Kaneohe, Hawaii, has written an important essay that has been published on-line by “Nautilus,” the forum of the Northeast Asia Peace […]
Commander James Kraska’s article provides an accurate description of the various legal views surrounding the maritime incident between China and the United States involving USNS Impeccable, with a necessary focus on […]
If we keep on dithering with Arctic Ocean policy, it will be the ‘Arctic Desert’ before the academics, politicians, military and bureaucrats get anything done – and by then it […]
The size of Canada’s offshore areas of maritime responsibility and the vast distances of our airspace and sea approaches make a blue water navy fundamental to our security and sovereignty […]
Paul Kennedy’s article, “To Rule the Waves: the Rise and Fall of Navies,” is asking all the right questions with regard to the West’s curious shortsightedness in not adequately funding […]
This article, published in 2004 in China’s most prestigious military journal, China Military Science, merits special attention as a cogent explanation for the recent acceleration in China’s naval development that […]
As we wonder what the next budget will bring for naval forces in Canada, we might ask if the present fixation on joint and expeditionary warfare is/is not blinding us […]