Alaska – Canada’s 11th Province

By David Dunlop, 1 February 2025

We're seeing some suggestions about how to respond to President Trump's recent actions. Some are suggesting, and I agree, that we buy Alaska and make it the 11th province. The original Alaskan Purchase from the Russian Empire in 1867 (the same year Canada became a country) was for $7.2 Million USD ($142 Million in 2023 USD prices, or $206 Million CAD in 2025 prices). Canada could be generous, though, and round-up the purchase price offer to a cool $¼ Billion CAD - just to be fair. I’m sure Canada could persuade Governor Mike Dunleavy to become the 11th Premier of Canada with free inter-provincial/territorial trade with the rest of Canada. The residents of Alaska would very much like to become Canadian citizens vs Donald Trump’s alternatives. Not a bad deal to become citizens of the True North Strong and Free. There are some things that would have to be negotiated beforehand though. A positive vote (50.1% will suffice) from all Alaskan residents. Once the vote has been taken, US Military Bases/Equipment would have to go to Canada once the purchase was finalized, or President Trump would have to negotiate those things away to the Canadian government and establish a US Consulate in Juneau, Alaska. And, of course the Gulf of Alaska would be re-named Gulf of Canada. For all of that, Canadian Alaskan Residents in the Province of Alaska would receive more-than-generous free health care, dental & pharma-care and $10 a day (CAD) child care, Old Age Security (OAS), Canada Pension Plan (CPP). Oh yes, Trump’s 25% tarriffs on Canada would not apply to the Great Province of Alaska! 


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