Canada will be recapitalizing much of the naval and coast guard surface fleets under its National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy (NSPS). Much of this promised $38 billion is earmarked for 15 […]
I have just learned that the names of the two new Berlin-class ships are to be HMCS Châteauguay and HMCS Queenston. A news release of the announcement by MND Rob […]
The editorial piece by Eric Lerhe in the Canadian Naval Review Vol. 9.2 [“Time for a Canadian Pacific Pivot?”] raises a real dichotomy between what is no doubt desirable and […]
There was a lot of uproar when CBC’s Terry Milewski published a report (“Ottawa was warned about Arctic patrol ships’ high price”) that led with this statement: “Two days before […]
Jack Granatstein, one of Canada’s foremost historians, has written a significant op-ed for the Ottawa Citizen (“National interests collide in shipbuilding strategy,” 30 October 2013). In it he quite correctly […]