naval reserves

11 posts


What Future for the Naval Reserves in Canada?*

[*This article was original published in the April 2013 issue of Marine Matters. It is reprinted here with the permission of the publisher, Mr. Aldert van Nieuwkoop.] When partnerships work, […]


What will become of the naval reserve?

At the Maritime Security Conference this past June, Commodore Mark Norman, then the Atlantic Fleet Commander, gave a very candid dinner address on his views about the future of the […]


The technical issues are complex

I am the Standards Chief Petty Officer for marine propulsion systems at the Canadian Forces Fleet School in Esquimalt.  I find the points made by the contributors to this topic […]


The status quo is not sustainable

I am encouraged that we are starting to have a long overdue discussion of this important subject. I would like to add two points to LCdr. Carroll’s and Cmdre. Lehre’s […]


(Another) reply to Derek Carroll

This discussion has been helpful to me, as I have always felt there was a need to stand back and examine naval reserve manning priorities. In addition, you and I […]
