Advanced Concepts in Ship Design

10 posts

Type 26 frigate

New RN Type 26 Frigates

The British government announced that the first of the Royal Navy’s Type 26 frigates will be laid down within the month after an order was placed and contract signed with […]


Autonomous Surface Vehicles

There’s been increasing interest in autonomous service vehicles (ASV) and the USN Sea Hunter appears to be the most advanced and complex of the lot.  It is claimed this “robotic […]


Titanic Blunder or a Good Compromise?

Michael Byers and Stewart Webb have authored an interesting report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Rideau Institute entitled “Titanic Blunder: Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ships on Course […]


Future growth margin is the real issue

I would like to take up Stan Weeks’ challenge in his article on “Density as a Ship Design Factor.” Stan references a U.S. Government Accountability Office report. Those interested can […]


Density as a ship design factor

A report on 24 January 2012 from the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense on the US Navy’s future surface combatant plans raises the […]
