Volume 14, Number 1, Summer 2018

Preview of Upcoming Issue


Canadian Naval Review

Vol. 14, No. 1 (2018)

Despite the fact that CNR is in the midst of moving to its new home at St. Francis Xavier University – and you know how much commotion a move involves – we have another great issue coming up. As usual, the issue includes interesting and timely articles. This issue features an Editorial examining the idea of Canada as a national security threat to the United States. It includes an article looking at the Naval Tactical Operations Group, and an article arguing in favour of selecting the Type 26 option for the Canadian Surface Combatant. As well, we have several articles celebrating history – an article looking at 100 years of an air station at Shearwater, Nova Scotia, an article discussing the value of naval education for officers, and a discussion of the British influence on the Canadian navy over the years. Making Waves is full of interesting commentaries – comments in reaction to articles in the previous issue (on amphibiosity and the Naval Reserves), a discussion of Australian work on maritime power projection, and a comment on the 2018 Battle of the Atlantic Gala dinner hosted by the Naval Association. To top it all off, there are the usual fascinating columns and book reviews. You won’t want to miss it.

The issue will be available soon – keep your eyes on the CNR Twitter account for details (@CdnNavalReview).


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